So I know I have not been writing on my blog in a while but my blog chicas out there just letting you know, I am still alive. Don't you worry. God has been putting so much on my heart lately that it is hard for me to keep up with his splendid perfect plan for all of us.
For a few days now I have been really down in the the dumps. {Don't you just hate that} After I talked/put all my emotional stress onto my very good Amiga, I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I just let it all out and prayed to Jesus to help me out. After my huge heart awakening, I blasted some Tenth Avenue North and many more awesome Christian bands. The song Eternal by Sanctus Real came up and this song is my ultimate fav go to song! These were the lyrics that really touched my heart,
"And this life will pass away, but you will never change"
Even in the toughest of times, Jesus is with us no matter what, he could never stop loving, encouraging or protecting us. In life the seasons change, {fashion trends get old} and children grow older, but Gods love for us will Never change. Son we will die and live in Heaven with him eternally, life does pass away but God will never leave our side.
{Now doesn't this just make you smile}
Ephesians 2:4 " But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy made us alive with Christ even when were dead in transgressions it is by grace you have been saved"